Rsync access to RePEc data

Rsync is the quickest way to get RePEc data. As to the format, you have choices.

type example
ReDIF data rsync -va --delete rsync:// RePEc
RePEc AMF rsync -va --delete --exclude .oai rsync:// RePEc
CitEc AMF rsync -va --delete rsync:// RePEc
RePEc OAI-DC rsync -va --delete --exclude .oai rsync:// RePEc

We also have some data that is derived from RePEc

data example
ArchEc vault rsync -av rsync:// vault
ArchEc plind rsync -av rsync:// plind
ArchEc drift rsync -av rsync:// drift
CollEc centrality rsync -av rsync:// centrality
Legacy CollEc paths rsync -va --exclude inter --exclude notes rsync:// paths

All examples above assume

If something is not working, write to me, Thomas Krichel, <> immediately.